[CPAN-BOLETIN] Advertising CLASHEP 2015

cpan-boletin en pegaso.ific.uv.es cpan-boletin en pegaso.ific.uv.es
Mar Oct 14 11:49:16 CEST 2014

-------- Mensaje original --------
Asunto: 	Advertising CLASHEP 2015
Fecha: 	Thu, 9 Oct 2014 12:22:24 +0000
De: 	Nick Ellis <Nick.Ellis en cern.ch>
Para: 	Manuel.Aguilar en ciemat.es <manuel.aguilar en ciemat.es>, Luis 
Alvarez-Gaume <Luis.Alvarez-Gaume en cern.ch>, Claudio Dib 
<claudio.dib en usm.cl>, Maria Teresa Dova <Maria.Teresa.Dova en cern.ch>, 
Jonathan R. Ellis <John.Ellis en cern.ch>, agago en pucp.edu.pe 
<agago en pucp.edu.pe>, Miriam Mendes Gandelman <miriam.gandelman en cern.ch>, 
pilar.garcia en ciemat.es <pilar.garcia en ciemat.es>, Martha Alice Losada 
<malosada en uan.edu.co>, Gilad Perez <gilad.perez en cern.ch>, Arnulfo Zepeda 
<zepeda en fis.cinvestav.mx>, Marcos.Cerrada en ciemat.es 
<marcos.cerrada en ciemat.es>, Martijn Mulders <Martijn.Mulders en cern.ch>, 
Kate Ross <Kate.Ross en cern.ch>, Edgar Fernando Carrera Jarrin 
<edgar.fernando.carrera.jarrin en cern.ch>, Giulia Zanderighi 
<g.zanderighi1 en physics.ox.ac.uk>
CC: 	Nick Ellis <Nick.Ellis en cern.ch>

Dear CLASHEP IOC Colleagues,

I am delighted to inform you that we are starting to advertise 
CLASHEP2015. You can find the web pages at:
The poster will be printed next week and will be distributed to our 
regular mailing lists as soon as possible. Please let Kate Ross know if 
you require additional copies for distribution in your countries.

I would be obliged if you would help by announcing the School to all 
interested people (potential students as well as their supervisors, 
professors, etc.) in your countries/regions. In case it is helpful, the 
following could be used as the basis for an announcement:

The *2015 CERN - Latin-American School of High-Energy Physics* will be 
held in Ibarra, Ecuador from 4 to 17 March 2015. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE 
*DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS 14 NOVEMBER 2014*. The lectures will cover 
a broad range of HEP topics at a level suitable for students working for 
a PhD in experimental particle physics. Note that financial support may 
be available for Latin-American students attending the School. Although 
the School is targeted particularly at students from Latin-American 
countries, it is open to self-funding students coming from other 
regions. Details can be found from:

I am very happy to inform you that we finally converged on the names of 
the remaining lecturers for the scientific programme this week: Peter 
Jenni will lecture on "Experimental Facilities" and Kerstin Kunze will 
lecture on Cosmology.

Best wishes,


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