[SEMINARI] Rapidly Rotating Black Holes through Gravitational Collapse, Motoyuki Saijo

Enric Marco Enric.Marco en uv.es
Lun Feb 21 15:26:44 CET 2011

Title: Rapidly Rotating Black Holes through Gravitational Collapse

By: Motoyuki Saijo

From: Department of Physics, Rikkyo University, Japó

Where: Seminari del departament d'Astronomia i Astrofísica

Date: Dijous 24 febrer 2011

Hour: 11:30


We all believe that there exist various mass range of black hole in
Nature. Some of them are produced through the binary merger of compact
objects, while some others through gravitational collapse. Here I will
focus on the collapse of a massive object to a massive black hole in
order to investigate the properties of the rapidly rotating dynamic
black holes. In this talk, I will focus on the new feature we found;
the existence of quasi-periodic waves after the black hole ringdown in
gravitational waveform. The radiation may be detected in the future
space-based detector LISA, which may tell us the environment of the
massive object. 

Dr. Enric Marco
Departament d'Astronomia i Astrofísica
Facultat de Física
Universitat de València
C/  Dr. Moliner, 50
46100 Burjassot, Spain
Phone: (34)-96-354-3069
enric.marco en uv.es

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